S8C, HIFU Ulove-01 plis, SM10600ZHb konbine avèk pwodwi swen COMEY ofri solisyon konplè pou tretman anti-aje minimòm oswa ki pa-pwogrese.
19 kalite blesi pigmantè
Nevus Ota a, Nevus Ito, Zygomaticus, Spot Mongolyen, Nevus Pigman, Ipèpigmantasyon pòs-enflamatwa, Seborrh, Keratosism seboreik, CALMS, Nevus, Melasma, Mela Nosis, Lentigo, Freckles, Blue Nevus, Tattoo, Folry Becker of the Nevus figi ak kou, Porokeratosis.
Tan poste: Me-13-2022